There aren’t many of us here in WA.
Not that anyone reall cares… 🙂
However as of about a week ago another friend and Baptist pastor has started his own blog. Mark Edwards is another ex Scarborough High School boy who is now at Bedford Baptist Church.
His most recent post is about the whole incarnational v attractional thing. You may remember he got fairly engage with the discussion this blog a few weeks back
What do these two terms mean anyway? I have a number of friends and aquaintances who are heavily involved in the Emerging Church movement. I respect greatly what most of them are doing.
However I do have an issue with what it might seem is an “exclusive” style of Philosophy and methodology in what they are doing. I struggle with some who seem to have thrown out the expression of the church as it is now, while still relying on it for support. It has been really encouraging though to see some, who are embarking on such works, also working alongside with and encouraging the work of more ‘regular’ expressions of Church.
Drop over and welcome him to the blogosphere.