Current Reading

At the moment I am almost finished The Shack

download legionnaire online and while I haven’t been blown away by it neither have i been overly disturbed by it. It will go into the back room probably never to be seen again… Unlike the bookshelf right by my chair where all my hot faves are kept!

Also waiting to be read are:

Becoming a True Spiritual Community by Larry Crabb. I guess you could call this ‘diversifying my reading’… I have never been a big Crab fan, but this one grabbed my attention and I thought it would be interesting to delve into how we function more authentically as the church. We’ll see how I go…

George Fox – The Founder of the Quakers download catch a fire divx

– by Jean Hatton. I’m interested to learn something of this group and how they came about and I’m a big fan of biograhpies so hopefully it will be a good one.

Reimagining Church by Frank Viola – I was sent this book a while ago to do a blog review on, but I am a bit behind… Part of it is that I just don’t find myself reading these kinds of books much any more. I find they seek to convince me that church needs ‘re-imagining’ but I am already convinced of that! Seven or eight years ago I was reading them by the bucket load, but each time I do these days I don’t feel refreshed and invigorated – more just ho hum… Now that’s not to say ‘Re-imagining Church’ is a ho hum book, but it probably explains why its still sitting there. Not enjoying Pagan Christianity didn’t help either I imagine… I will try and get thru it and write a review.

You Gotta Have Balls by Lily Brett. This is another of the books for our brighton Book Club, but I fearI may not get into this one either. It might be a good book even, but I have too many others that I want to read to even pick it up. I’m not a very good book club member I’m afraid!

Anyway that’s the menu at the moment!

chair the download free

One thought on “Current Reading

  1. I just re-read Pagan Christianity again – man o man, I love that book! Admittedly, I haven’t read the breadth or dpth of stuff you’ve read, so this is an excellent ‘bird-flip’.

    Then I always re-read Velvet Elvis, cos Rob Bell is just such a nice bloke who’s just a very bright cookie.

    I gotta get out more!!

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