Easily Excited

By the look of Colin Barnett you’d think he had just been voted in with an overwhleming majority.

Reality is we don’t know who has won the WA state election, but this bloke is obviously weeing himself with joy that around 50% of the people have found him a less annoying option that the Labour crew.

Sad old world…

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5 thoughts on “Easily Excited

  1. i was looking at the break down of votes in my electorate at the different polling booths. It showed the average vote for Family First at around 50 per booth, but at the Rockingham Baptist Church booth they got almost 800!


  2. I don’t know about that.

    Firstly he has taken a party that was widely tipped to get flogged and put them in a place where they MAY form government. That is a win in itself.

    Secondly, if they lose, he gets to retire anyway:D

    He’s done well considering the circumstances…although I do admit I wonder if he could look any happier if they DO win.

  3. I reckon you’re being a bit harsh, Hamo. Given what he achieved, I think he has reason to smile. But I agree that he may have plenty of reason yet to retire.

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