Good design does have the power to inspire doesn’t it?!
I reckon this looks fantastic and reflects the feel we want to create at the National Forge Festival in April next year. For more info go here.
Good design does have the power to inspire doesn’t it?!
I reckon this looks fantastic and reflects the feel we want to create at the National Forge Festival in April next year. For more info go here.
Love the logo! But NSW seems to have vanished from the Forge world – there is no price bracket for us on the booking info page. Unless Sydney is just soooo cosmopolitan and as Mike Frost spends a fair amount of time OS, anyone from NSW counts as an International now. 🙂
I guess we humbly take our place with SA/TAS/ACT – or do we get to move north to QLD and some warm weather?
But it is a great logo.
Not sure what happened there!
This is a stunning logo – wish you guys weren’t so far away so we could go!