This event is coming up soon and will be valuable for all those who want to discuss the nuts and bolts of what is actually involved in developing and sustaining a new missional incarnational community.
Here’s a bit of an outline of the program:
For more info give me a call or an email or call Kent at SUWA 94435055
The Nuts & Bolts of Starting a Missional Incarnational Community
9.30-9.45 Arrive & coffee
9.45-10.30 Session 1: Andrew Hamilton – Why Are We Doing This Again?! – Clarifying Purpose & Identity in A Missional Venture
This session will provoke you to consider and clarify the core reasons you are engaging in this project. It will help explore your sense of calling, founding charism and your core DNA. These are foundational elements for any new community about to be birthed. It will look at the importance of getting off on a missionary footing rather than simply being a holding pen for grumpy disenchanted misfits
10.30-10.45 Coffee
10.45-11.30 Session 2: Geoff Westlake – The Vital Importance of Forming a Learning Community
This session will explore the place of action / reflection learning in a missional incarnational community. So simple examples of how to identify what God’s already doing in your specific context, and how he wants you to join in. Critical for getting started, as well as continuing.
11.30-11.40 Break
11.40-12.30 Session 3: Scott Vawser – First Things First
This session will look at the core tasks involved in actually getting a missional community up and running. It will help you consider how you choose your core team, how you function in the local community, and how to establish your own community rhythm.
12.30-1.30 Lunch
1.30-2.15 Session 4: Panel of Forge WA crew – Q & A –If I Could Start Over…
2.15-2.30 Break
2.30-3.15 Session 5: Kent Morgan – The Stuff Nobody Wants to Think About
Most missional leaders rarely gets very excited by talk of insurance, money managing, constitutions and other logistical concerns but they are realities in the world we are a part of and someone needs to attend to them. Kent will offer some very helpful insights into how a missional community can get on with the job of mission and not be bogged down by the administrative challenges that do confront us.
3.15-3.20 Break
3.20-4.00 Session 6: Steve McKinnon – Going the Distance
In this session Steve will look at the core elements of a healthy sustainable missional community. He will help you consider how to out into place practices that will enable you to last beyond the first 12 months and allow you to grow as a person and not finish up as a burnt out, beaten up, emotionally wrecked cynical fruitcake!
I was really hoping to be able to make it to this one and bring a few others along, but it isn’t going to happen – kids end of year gymnastic windup amng other things.
Are these sessions going to be recorded?
Oneday – I promise!!!!!
I’ll be there for this one!