As I was reflecting this week on how the old time missionaries went about
their work in different cultures there was plenty to critique – plenty that
we would do differently today.
And yet there are people alive now who still give thanks to God for the work
of those people.
I imagine some future generation will one day read about the missional
leaders of the 20/21st Century and wonder in disbelief at how we could be so
foolish or na?ve, yet the simply reality is that we do the best with what we
know and what we have. That is all we can do.
As I write this I am reminded that God works thru all Christians – even
those I might find loopy or offensive.
I don’t know why he does…
Grace is big I guess
I reckon Paul would say ‘if God can work thru me he can work thru
Some days I find that hard to swallow…
We stand on the bent shoulders of those who have been before us. Something like this was quoted by Wilf Douglas about the old missionaries. He said be slow to criticise because we are stepping out from their experience.
Too true. Future generations will probably look back at us, shake their heads and think we did it all wrong.