No… Its not a post on suburban mission…
Its a bit more literal than that. I have started the retic business I mentioned previously and today was digging in very hard soil. After a 40 degree day yesterday where I was outside and installing a couple of systems I decided to leave today’s job until after lunch. Of course the morning was cool and cloudy but as I rolled up to start the clouds rolled back and the breeze died off… Bugger…
What do you do in hard soil – crusty soil?
Chip away… chip away… chip away… and don’t give up.
Ok, so this is turning into a post on suburban mission…
Seriously the retic business has actually been one of the best ‘missionary’ ventures I have initiated since being here and it was somewhat accidental. In the last 2 weeks I have been in 15 different homes and met a whole bunch of people I never would have before. I’ve learnt a heap about a whole new area and I’ve started a business that I reckon could sustain us financially on 2 days a week. Most people who know me well know that my motto in life has always been ‘why do yourself what you can pay someone else to do’. I haven’t enjoyed home handyman stuff since my teens and have avoided it.
But in a world of loose ends and intangible results it is nice to do something that is finished when I walk away.
I have also been drinking more beer (which is always good for suburban mission)
I dont know whats happened to the price of beer lately, I picked up a carton of Becks for $38….better than Emu Bitter… 🙂
oh, btw….your analogy on soil is a good one…I think you might have pinched it from someone else though….:)
Mate that’s an original! Straight from the trenches quite literally!!
I suppose I was referring to Jesus…who did talk about soil… 🙂
Hamo – you’ll have to drop around and try on of the Grendel home brews.
And you know that you’ll now never work in retail – you might soil the till. . .
Speaking of soil – I think there were more dog turds in that yard than in all of Australia!
Very smelly day…
Forgive my American mind, but could you give me a better idea of what you’re doing?
Installing garden irrigation systems Paul – sprinklers 🙂
Paul, he is digging holes, cleaning up dog poo, and drinking beer….typical work for any missionary… 🙂
so how are you promoting the buisiness Hamo?
Minimally! a few business cards and letterbox drops has got me heaps already and i only want 1 or2 days a week. I think the task will actually be minimising the work in this area.
Soon you’ll have a staff of 20, a franchise operation (“Hamo’s Holes – you have the need, we dig the deed”) and a cray boat called “Backyard Missionary Position”
“Andies turd service – You drop ’em, we pick them up”
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