Ok that’s enough public embarrassment for ‘Bec the chuckler’. I will take her off the top of my blog now with a new post… Sorry Bec!!
I have 5 different talks I have been preparing this morning… Yes that is difficult! But different ideas hit me at different times for each talk so I keep moving between them. As you can imagine I haven’t been very focused.
This Sunday I head out to Chidlow where I have been asked to speak about the difference between the incarnational and the attractional church. Then the others are for our Forge intensive later this month on Pioneering Leadership.
They are:
‘The Wild Frontier’ – with the geographical missionary settings pretty well accounted for now this one looks at the pioneering challenge of reaching the whole new world of post-modernity/christendom etc etc…
‘Good to Great in Missional Communities’ – looking at Jim Collins book and how it applies to pioneering new church plants. Some great insights there!
‘Pioneering Discoveries’ – just the stuff I have learnt in the last 2 years.
‘Blah Blah Blah’ – the final session challenging people to not just talk but act – to follow the calling wherever it leads – to ‘just do it’.
Some days its hard to lock myself away and prepare stuff – but when I don’t do it I always regret it one or two days before the event!backwoods the divx online