Here’s a thought…

I have been developing what I consider to be my own personal understanding of mission – how I see it biblically and practically and trying to shape it into a ‘model’ of sorts.

One of the exercises this weekend is for the crew to take a maximum of 5 of these words and shape a model / flow chart for mission that is well grounded biblically and practically. Mine has morphed over the last few years to a point where I now feel reasonably confident with it.

If you’d like to have a go… the words are:

obedience, guilt, love, inspiration, action, serving, presence, relationship, proclamation, hell, heaven, Jesus, conversion, death, life, passion, witnessing, church, sin, grace, bridge (just in case you need it 🙂

Last time I shared my model I realised it needing modifying so we’ll see how it shapes up this time.

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