This man has got to be one of the most courageous and inspiring Christians of the modern missionary movement.
While I was at my in-laws place last year I discovered his two volume biography
written by his son – around 1400 pages in all! It was like stumbling on a gold mine.
I raced thru the first volume, despite its rather poor narration and recently finished the second volume. I’d like to read some other HT bios because while this one may have been historically accurate it was not well written and thus will get ignored by many.
If you’re a missionary and want inspiration then make sure you tap into this guy’s story, but you may like to try an easier read first!
I love this guy too!!
He was just one of the many different biographies on missionaries I read….
love it love it
The latest bio of HT that I recall is by Roger Steer, and is available from OMF International in Sydney.
WA Office:
2 Farman Pl, Hamersley WA 6022
T: 08 9344 1044
National | NSW Office:
18 – 20 Oxford St, Epping NSW 2121 AUSTRALIA
PO Box 849, Epping NSW 1710 AUSTRALIA
T: 02 9868 4777
F: 02 9868 5743
They can also tell you what other books are available on his life and work. (HT founded the China Inland Mission, now called OMF International, in 1865)
(Former OMF Media Director)