I’m not a big fan of internet tag – but when someone gives me a chance to talk about the books I love them I’m right in there!
Thanks Darryl.
download good dick dvdrip Here are my answers to the question:
Number of books I own – My guess = 1200?… Doesn’t really sound like a lot does it? I remember when i used to walk into the studies of older pastors and see walls of books… and feel so dumb… Now I use libraries a lot more and do a fair bit of reading online. I’m not dumb (I think) just living in a different age.
Last Book I Bought: Emerging Church.Intro by Michael Moynagh. I still haven’t finished it! After a while ec books become a bit ‘blah blah blah’, and while Mike’s book is one of the best around I just haven’t been bothered finishing it yet.
Last Book I Read – William and Catherine by Yaxley and Vanderwal. This was an absolutely inspiring read. What an amazing couple they were!
Books that mean a lot to me:
Cloustreet by Tim Winton
The Turning by Tim Winton
Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
Anything by C.S. Lewis
Reaching for the Ivisible God by Philip Yancey.
What I love about both Yancey and Lewis is that they are absolutely brilliant minds who ask the difficult questions about God and who (despite their intellect) arrive at the point of saying ‘there is an element of mystery we cannot fathom’. They push intellect to its boundary and then take a leap of faith.
I’m supposed to pass this on to 5 more people, but that’s the bit I don’t like, so if you’d like to write about your book fetishes then do so!