This is another post in the interests of helping people see simple reproducible spiritual practices that can be used in a church setting.
– 3 Psalms – choose your own – (I used 13, 19 and 100 – all a different vibe)
– read the Psalms aloud right thru while people listen or follow along
– each person chooses which Psalm they identify with most closely
– journal some thoughts about why
– meditation/reflective exercise looking back over the last few days observing activities, feelings, high points, low points, God moments, etc
– journal what you are thinking / feeling as a result and observe any connections between Psalm and your experience
– split into three groups based on Psalm
– talk about what you felt, experienced, sensed God may be saying
– pray
That’s it.
Its not rocket science, anyone can do it and it relies on people connecting with the spirit to make it valuable.