Having enjoyed the big lap last year I am always interested to read of the journey others are taking around this great country, so these two blogs have been of particular interest lately.
Gallagher’s travels by (now very old mate) Steve Gallagher and Aussie Road Trip by the Busso family Robinsons are both well worth a read if you are considering a similar adventure.
Currently the Gallagher’s are making their way down the Qld coast and getting rained on as they go, while the Robinsons are near Sydney and travelling in the opposite direction.
I haven’t bought a caravan mag for a few months now and the roots are starting to feel like they are sinking back into terra Butler, albeit for a few more years until we launch off again! Yes, that’s our hope – to be able to crank it all up again and take off on another adventure.
I must admit that with the Aussie dollar in its current state, its tempting to fly across to the US, buy a caravan over there, tour the US and then ship it home, sell it and pay for the trip. With a comparable US caravan about half the price of an Aussie one its a very doable prospect…
But for now I’ll keep my head down and bum up as we dig in for another few years of suburban life. Sigh…