It seems that one of the big issues in debate of recent times is the nature of scripture and whether a narrative approach to theology is an errant one. (For those who find that last sentence hard to understand it means approaching the Bible more as a story than as a list of propositions to obey.)
The obvious danger with narrative theology is that we all read stories differently, so we might arrive at different conclusions…
But, as Brian McClaren says in this interview, its not an ‘either/or’ scenario. Its not a case of no more propositional truth because now we think narratively.
I can understand the concern that is raised, especially in a pluralistic world, but if ‘narrative’ is ‘dangerous’ and may lead to heresy, then why did God give us a book of stories? Couldn’t he have just as easily come up with a model constitution and a set of by-laws?…
I return to that wise old man Roland Allen who said that the greatest impediments to the ‘spontaneous expansion of the gospel’ are overly controlling leadership, an obsession with morality and… yep you guessed it an extreme concern for correct doctrine.
Am I advocating a fairy floss approach to doctrine?
No. I believe doctrine is really important and I am in favour of well thought out propositions. But, when we spend our time dotting i’s and crossing t’s we really don’t have time or motivation to get on with the job of connecting in our worlds