Yesterday we took Ellie to get her 4 year old needles – 3 of them.
She is a wonderful kid but definitely doesn’t like needles and can really kick up a storm in these kinds of scenarios. We left at 10.00 for the Doctors – both of us – me to hold Ellie and Danelle to look after Sam while Ellie screamed.
For some reason they called us into the room 10 minutes early… in time to watch another little 4 year old boy reduced to tears by the needles. He tried to be brave but after his two needles he was crying fairly loudly.
I don’t think this was good for Ellie to watch. As she watched him melt into tears she began to freak out. So when it came time for her turn she was well and truly ready to fight. She yelled, screamed and put up a fight I would have been proud of.
We managed to get her shirt off and did one arm… then the other… then the thigh…
I reckon when I left I felt every bit as traumatised as she did!
Needles suck.