How is it that people can be in the church their whole lives, or work as Christian missionaries and yet be such arrogant, obnoxious and opinionated nobs?
Clearly education is not equivalent to transformation.
I had an encounter again this week with a person who left me speechless with their attitude. I think there is plenty in the church that is worthy of critique, but when you stand on the sidelines and lob rocks without getting your hands dirty trying to effect change then you just make me want to vomit.
I had to leave quickly because I was about to offer some of my own insights back to them.
As you were…
I can feal sweat on my palms reading this … I’m done with those days, as much as I want to be an actor these people still make me react and it really p@@@@@!! me off that I still allow them to control my emotions and even overtly my behaviour.
I’ve got a third of my life max … left to go … it’s time for them to get OUT THE ROAD because we’re COMMING THROUGH!!!
“How is it that people can be in the church their whole lives, or work as Christian missionaries and yet be such arrogant, obnoxious and opinionated nobs?”
Because the church is full of people (like me, all too often) who are nice, rather than honest.
Because there are so many theological ‘bents’, and every person can ‘justify’ theirs with 2 misquotes verses of ‘scripture’.
Because to belong to a church, you don’t need to engage your head – only your backside and your wallet. Your head is a pleasant addition, but not necessarily required.
Because no-one says ‘you p@@@@@!! me off’ in church… (until Mark starts letting the churches of Albany cop it sweet between the eyes!)
Because no matter how hard you try, you just can’t buy class!!
Time for a coffee… 🙂