Rolling on


After a wonderful time in Exmouth with the QBC crew (and a few other ring ins) we headed north with the intention of going to Millstream National Park. It was great to spend a week with good friends and always makes me wonder about that piece of advice ‘young pastors’ are given to ‘make sure you take holidays away from the people in your congregation’. I do understand the wisdom of the statement, but when your church are some of your good friends then it doesn’t always hold up that well.

So we headed north and made it to Pannawonnica – a nice little town really, with a ‘caravan park’ at the local footy oval and an honor box for payment. $25.00 was cheap and we had our last coffee for a few days. There was a free local drive in, but given the kids were pretty tired we decided to pass.

The 100km into Millstream wasn’t too bad but we didn’t seal the rear of the camper and when we got there we discovered it was covered in red dust inside and out… We went to pump some water from the tap and nothing came out… We pumped again and again, and again… Then I got underneath to check the water and somehow the full tank of water we left Exmouth with was bone dry. No water… (Still not sure why as we haven’t been able to refill it). Fortunately Millstream does have some water even if it’s not considered fit for drinking so the 20l Jerry in the back of the car as well as our other water bottles got us by. (The other possibility was that of heading to Red Bluff and that would have been very ugly to arrive there minus water)

So Danelle cleaned the camper while I kept the kids occupied and then we took off for a walk to Crossing Pool. Beautiful walk, icy water, but we all needed a good clean so we jumped in. The next day at Deep Reach only Sam could be tempted…

The Millstream campsite is really good. It is unpowered, but does have some water, bush toilets (or flushing toilets at the homestead for princesses) and a camp kitchen with gas bbqs and hot water to wash up with.

The nights were chilly – very very cold actually – but the days were stunning as we wandered around the old property. The only down side to this place is the constant droning noise of the Water Authority pumps that run both day and night. Not a big deal, but if you are looking for serenity it does take the edge off.

We left there today with the idea of heading towards Broome, but also knowing the caravan parks are fully booked. In my net searching though I managed to find the SDA church in Broome which is considered an ‘overflow’ site so I gave them a buzz and managed to land a powered site there for $35 a night – which is pretty dirt cheap for this time of year.

So today we are on the road for a big drive which we will complete tomorrow. It’ll be another free roadside stop – maybe De Grey river and then more driving tomorrow. Next stop is Hedland for lunch, fuel and a breather before we chug on. We are all grimed up in red dirt and ready for a shower but that might not be till tomorrow now.

The drive from Millstream back to Karratha today was stunning and reminds me why I love the north west. Occasionally in moments of madness I think about living up here. I say madness because while winter is awesome I know I’d be a very grumpy bugger come summer.

We have about two weeks left and so long as the kids can hold it together and enjoy the time we won’t be rushing home. They seem to get homesick before we do, but then they don’t go back to work!


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