Space to Move

I am currently away on an overnight retreat with a bunch of other younger pastors, something we have done annually for 7 years now and it’s always a valuable time of reflecting and reconnecting.

This morning the activity I set as our opener was to walk out into the yard of the large semi-rural Mundaring home where we were staying and to find something that depicted where you feel like you are at in your own ministry journey.

It was a good time listening to what the different guys shared about their lives and the insights they had. But funnily enough as sometimes happens the activity snuck up on me and spoke to me quite unexpectedly.

As I wandered the yard the thing that struck me was an open gate leading into a wide open paddock – as in the pic above. It was a big space and there were few trees or structures on it. My gut said ‘this is what you are to ponder’. I also saw another gate just partially open and leading into a smaller more cluttered field. (The one below)

I feel like the open gate into the wide open space depicts well where I feel like I am at after 28 years of ministry. It speaks of new horizons and new opportunities and I’m looking forward to that.

Our hope is for the guys I am currently working with to take over leadership of the two churches (Quinn’s & Yanchep) and for Danelle and myself to have a new role in both spaces. At the moment we still aren’t sure what form that will take, but our intention is to take the time to see what will serve the churches and allow the other pastors to really flourish.

We have long service leave in early 2021, so 2020 will in many ways be a handover year and a year of transition into a new but as yet undefined role.

Oddly enough it doesn’t feel like an ‘ending’ or a ‘wind down’, but more of an open field / blank canvas on which to take creative initiatives.

I felt encouraged and inspired by that image and I’m looking forward to what transpired in this next stage of life as we walk thru that wide open gate into a new experience and focus.

Just felt like sharing that little vision with you…

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