Sunday Shift

It’s funny to see how much our lives have changed in the last 12 months. From being twice daily Sunday church-ers to only going when I am speaking.
Sunday has become a much loved day rather than a work day. I did always enjoy speaking but Sunday was always associated with going really hard and pulling up drained.

Today has been one of those days when we are grateful for the shift in direction. A late start and then a read of the paper, was followed by a dad & daughter trip to Supercheap Autos to pick up car bits and then it was out to the beach to give the new beast a decent test run.
Mark and I went last week, but we spent most of the time getting him unbogged and didn’t really get to give the cars a decent run. Today was a heap of fun as we headed up towards the Alkimos along the beach strip.

Ellie has become a great little companion on the bush tracks and we love heading out there together.

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