Want to Buy a Kid?

It really is an unfathomable question isn’t it?…

But yet its a reality for many people who are either forced into slavery, or sold into it. If you watch the video you’ll be told that slavery is at an all time high in the world today, so despite our so called laws, people are still bought and sold as commodities (and cheaper than ever before).

As one of the commentators on the video says: “We’ve put people on the moon, we’ve got dolphin friendly tuna… why can’t we do the same for kids?…”

Its a very screwed up world when we can advance in some areas and yet lose our way in others that really matter.

Only last night I was watching a news story where a badly abused cat had been restored to health by a kind vet, but people had donated $18000.00 for the cat’s rehabilitation. Now I’m not for abuse of animals, (even cats… ) but I shook my head in disbelief wondering how screwed up priorities become when we give that much money to help a cat get well while there is so much human suffering… Yes, we could wonder that about many things…

Anyway if this strikes a chord in you then – to reframe Nike – ‘just do something‘.

For those may wonder how they can make a difference here’s a great way kicked off by some very good friends of ours. They will be launching their project on Aug 26th in Joondalup and I’ll be there making the coffees – (thanks to Dean at Five Senses for the donation of the beans) so if you would like to get involved then give these guys your support.


FOSAFIA (Friends of SA Foundation, International -Australia) aims to educate people about the huge problem of human trafficking, and raise awareness and funds to support international programs provided by SAFoundation (www.safoundation.com).

One of the ways we do this, is through importing and sale of jewellery and handicrafts, a line collectively called Global Wonders; made by Nepalese women who are engaging in SAF’s Serve Nepal Skill Development and Income Generation Program.

We are going to be launching the Global Wonders line here in Perth later on this month, and giving people opportunities to link up with FOSAFIA in many different ways. The details are below, and if you would be so kind, please forward this on to others in your network who have a passion for social justice and fighting the oppression of women and children both locally and internationally.

If you have any questions or want more info, please don’t hesitate to contact either Cate or Elzette, our details are below.

FOSAFIA Global Wonders Launch

When: 26th August, 2010

Where: Cornerstone Church, 3 Lago Place, Joondalup WA 6027

Time: 7:30-9pm

RSVP: Email, text or phone by 20 August, 2010

Friends of SA Foundation, International – Australia (FOSAFIA)

Perth, Western Australia

email: fosafia@yahoo.com

phone: 0413318881 (Cate) or 0423518217 (Elzette)

3 thoughts on “Want to Buy a Kid?

  1. yes hammo,

    i keep hearing people repeat this quote “most men live lives of quiet desperation”

    why? i have a theory its cause we are built/designed to lead lives that are lived unto God, to honour him, – not to honour smaller things, like our desires, comforts, our realm etc. So until we start doing that i reckon we all will have an inner quiet desperation. When we get a hold of living our lives to honour God fully – then our lives will start to exhibit an outer desperation – a desperation that reflects the heart of God, who’s heart seeks the lost, and wants to see the Kingdom come into peoples hearts, and desires justice and mercy to overflow from these new hearts all over the world.

    So, yes, to everyone, including me, who fails daily at it, and feels unable – lets have a go, and keep on having a go. We just can’t close our eyes to the injustices in the world. Lets let the Kingdom come in our hearts, and the mercy and justice of God flow out from us into the world around us.

    Good on that crew from Joondalup!

  2. Interesting you mention that Waz. I had a post ready to go based on that exact quote. I think the end of the quote is equally disturbing – ie ‘and they die with the song still in them’

  3. oh, that just shows how tragic my short term memory is. I just realised one of the places i’d read the quote recently was on your quin’s site maybe a couple of days earlier. craziness.

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