What The?…

What are the chance of you going picking up the white pages and randomly ringing someone for a chat?…

Slim? Non existent? Like, you wouldn’t even dream free hard corps the movie download of doing something like that?

Yeh – I thought so!

Last night as I was reading a few blogs my skype phone rang. It was someone I didn’t know, so I rejected the call… But concerned that it may have been a friend with a nickname I didn’t recognise, I started a chat that went like this:

Me: Do I know you?

Caller: No

Me: Why are you calling me?

Caller: I’m bored

Me: (mystified) I’m not…

End of conversation

Is this what we can expect as ‘skype’ spreads? Complete strangers with nothing to do lobbing into our lounge room at 10pm at night because I happen to be online and they are bored?…

Feels very weird to me!

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