You Could Fob This Off…

Recently I received an email from a 10 year old boy by the name of Chris asking if I would pass on his ‘request’ to all the people I know. He had a friend called Sinead who had died of Leukemia and he wanted to raise money for Cancer research.

With the amount of spam we get these days it was tempting just to hit delete. Blah blah blah…

But I decided to read on…

The more I read the more I was inspired by this young guy who hasn’t sat around and griped about the issue he is fighting for but has got off his butt and actually done something.

I’ve posted his stuff below so you can read it and maybe even support him in what he is doing.

With all the things we could support you might ask ‘why this’?

Well – part of me just loves the willingness of a 10 year old boy to start this ball rolling – believing that maybe he can make a difference!

Good on ya Chris – you’re a legend!


Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Chris XXXXXXX, I am 10 years old and I am writing to you because my sister Katy and I desperately need your help.

Last year our really cool friend, Sinéad Murdoch died. (Pic on left) She was only 12 years old and she died because she had leukaemia. Sinéad was so brave and never gave up even though life was really hard for her. She really should not have had to die. On August 16 it was be a year since Sinéad passed away. She was really special to me and I still miss her a lot, she should not be forgotten. Sinéad died because there is not a cure for leukaemia, she suffered so much and her family have to live the rest of their lives without her.

Last October I raised over $15,000 by shaving my head but I realise that is not enough and so we want to raise even more money. Without any money for research they can’t find a cure or even how to make all the treatment less horrible for others like Sinéad. Maybe you know someone who is sick or has passed away from cancer and then you will know that it is really hard.

I have written to every school in WA to ask if their pupils can wear something yellow to school on 29 October 2004 and give a gold coin donation, (yellow was one of Sinéad’s favourite colours). I really would like it to be called ‘Remember Sinéad Day’ although I realise that there are many other children who suffer or die each year from cancer and we need to remember them all. It should be a day when children can remember their friends and others not as lucky as themselves, and the kids who still have cancer will see how much we care.

Lots of people have said I should ask all of WA to remember Sinead, not just schools, so I am! I really need your help because I can’t do this on my own, my trouble is to let everyone know about it. Could you ask all your friends if they would like to join in. They can take it to their work and just need to wear something yellow, or they could do something else on the 29 October and give a gold coin donation. Please help me to raise this money because I can’t do it on my own. If we work together we could get over $100,000 – that would be fantastic and one day maybe other kids won’t have to die like Sinéad.

You can take any donations or money raised into any branch of the Commonwealth Bank on or after Remember Sinéad Day or send a cheque to The Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation at PO Box 1118, West Perth WA 6872.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Kindest regards
Christopher XXXXXX


Chris with shaved head

Donations to:

Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation (Inc)
PO Box 1118, West Perth 6872

You could just fob it off as another kid with an idea…


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