A Deposit


Beware – blokey toilet story ahead…

I was out in Ellenbrook today laying some turf and because it is Sam’s ‘day off’ school I took him with me. He’s a great little bloke, keeps himself amused and (apart from the constant chatter) he is no trouble at all.

However half way thru the day he needed to do a poo…

I looked around for a portaloo. New developments always have them, but not today. By chance the letting agent had driven past earlier that day to take a picture of the house for their website and, because I needed to access a powerpoint, she kindly let me know where the housekey was.

So should I let Sam poo in the house?…

‘Oh what the heck I thought. Lets just home the owner doesn’t drive by mid push…’

So Sam did his poo and I plugged my drill in. I was about to close and lock the door when I had one of those ‘parent moments’. ‘I wonder if he flushed the toilet…’ I thought.

I was in a rush so nearly assumed the best and pulled the door shut. But something urged me back to the ensuite where my boy had left quite a substantial DNA record of his presence in the home.

So glad I looked…

In a manner of speaking…

watch if i didn t care in divx

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